About us

Welcome to Facility Management (FM)

It is essential for our ongoing operation in buildings, building systems and technical building systems to be regularly inspected and subject to preventive measures.

We are responsible for taking over, operating, inspecting, maintaining and repairing buildings and other technical building systems. When possible we carry out the processing ourselves; otherwise we coordinate, direct and supervise the outsourcing.

Our focus is also based on the facilities on site which are monitored as part of recurrent inspections. Likewise, our responsibility is ensuring that the grounds of our sites are supplied with water, heating, cooling, etc.

Together, we try to find solutions to restore the functionality of the facility. The control centre is the central point of contact for disruption or functional restrictions of the buildings or its services equipment. It ensures that you reach the right contact person for your issue.


In a nutshell

Who are we?

We are the unit that takes care of the operation of buildings and properties at KIT for all locations. We are the central service and contact  for all matters relating to the operation of buildings, building and operation building systems. Our service unit is located in the Department of Economics and Finance.

How are we structured?

Our unit is divided into five departments: Facility Services (FASE) as the central reception point for failures, as well as the Facility Management Department divided between the locations around Karlsruhe (Facility Management South) and in Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Facility Management North). Furthermore, the Infrastructural Services (INFRA) and the Supply and Disposal Facilities (VEA) departments belong to our unit.

Our mission

Combining the tasks of both the Facility Services and Facility Management allow us carrying out our mission. More about their tasks can be found on their respective websites. The fields of activity of the Operational Facility Management include doors, window, ladders, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, building automation, security technology and the supply of cooling, water and heat.

You can find the organisational structure of Facility Management (FM) organisational chart. Further information on our service unit are provided in the Link- and Downloadcenter.

To place an order, please use the usual channels, such as SAP, ticket system/web form or the telephone incident report to our Control Center.

For more questions about Facility Management (FM) tasks, criticism or suggestions, please contact info∂fm.kit.edu.

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Service Control Center
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A working day full excitement
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Control cabinet
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Analytic portfolio
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Head of Facility Management


Theresa Schlegel
Campus North
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Phone: +49 721 608-25151