Facility Management (FM) is your central service provider for the technical infrastructure at KIT and your contact for all matters concerning the operation of buildings, building systems and building services installations. On the following pages you can find information about our tasks and contact persons.
Theresa Schlegel
Campus North
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Phone: +49 721 608-25151
Results of the energy saving measures from 2022
Results of the energy saving measures from 2022 The year 2022 and especially the heating period 2022/2023 was characterized by massive energy saving. You are welcome to view the short report on the savings measures of the KIT here.
Note: The short report is only available in the KIT network.
Timetable for the feeder traffic to and the bus route at Campus North
Circular letter „Barrierefreier Ausbau Haltestelle H1 Campus Nord“
Planning and Construction Projects (PB)
The Business Unit Planning and Construction Projects (PB) works in cooperation with the Business Unit Facility Management (FM) because FM puts the construction projects planned and implemented by PB into operation and then takes care of the ongoing operation.
Property Management (FLM)
The department Property Management (FLM) works closely with the Business Unit Facility Management (FM) because FM provides information about buildings and their systems to FLM which they incorporate into their usage analysis.
Vacancies Facility Management (FM)
Are you looking for vacancies in Business Unit Facility Management (FM)?